24 books • 3 series
Learning SQL in h2 database
Learning Analytics in SQL for Beginners
Learning SQL in SQLite for Beginners
One Rule Predictive Modelling in R Tutorial for Beginners
SQL in Microsoft SQL Server
Transitioning SQL to dplyr
R Data Preparation and Manipulation Using the sqldf Package
The Joy of Applying Subqueries (SQL and Pl/SQL in Practice, #4)
Creating Data Model from Scratch to Generating the Database (Using Oracle Data Modeler, #1)
Ranking and Such for Analytics (SQL and Pl/SQL in Practice, #3)
Windowing for Analytics
Learning the Basics in No Time
Learning SQL Queries for R Users
Oracle SQL
Introducing PL/SQL to SQL Users
Oracle PL/SQL Programming Fundamentals 2nd Edition
Data Modeling Round Trip Engineering Using Oracle Data Modeler (Data Modeling, #1)
Oracle Stored Programs for Beginners
MySQL Stored Routines
IBM DB2 SQL for Beginners
Oracle PL/SQL Programming Fundamentals
SQLl for MySQL: a Beginner's Tutorial
Oracle SQL: a Beginner's Tutorial