18 books • 4 series
Santa Fe Secrets
A Confining Winter (Billy the Kid in Santa Fe, #2)
Young Billy, Old Santa Fe (Billy the Kid in Santa Fe, #1)
Lynch the Swan--A Lighthearted Travel Memoir (Baby Boomers Retirement Travel)
Slow Travel--Retired and Loving It! Large Print
Slow Travel--Retired and Loving It!
Galapagos Landscapes (Galapagos Islands Nature)
Galapagos Birds (Galapagos Islands Nature)
Lowcountry Confederates (More Tales from Brookgreen)
Billy the Kid in Santa Fe, Book One
Lowcountry Hurricanes
Crab Boy's Ghost
Gullah Ghosts
Billy the Kid's Jail, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Lowcountry Ghosts
In the Galapagos Islands with Herman Melville, the Encantadas or Enchanted Isles
Tales from Brookgreen
Roswell, Your Travel Guide to the UFO Capital of the World!