13 books • 2 series
The Clown from Another Planet (Fiona's Comic's, #1)
Jessica Alvarez
Fiona the Witch (Fiona's Comic's, #2019)
Lucia's Best Friend (Fiona's Comic's, #1)
Alien Sex Act
Lucia (Searching for Lucia, #10)
The Ghosts and the Resurrect-or (Fiona's Comic's, #1)
Coffee Table Diaries #2 (Fiona's Comic's, #1)
An Ordinary Girl in a Tropical Island Castle Adventure (Fiona's Comic's, #8)
Coffee Table Diaries #1
Comedy of Existence (Fiona's Comic's, #1)
The Clown at the End of the World (Fiona's Comic's, #1)
A Coward's Heart (Searching for Lucia, #5)