I have always had an irresistible curiosity and the drive to just "tinker". It drove my Mother nuts because I was always taking things apart! Fortunately I happened to be in the right place at the right time and when computers started coming around, it was the perfect outlet for my tinkering.

In 1989 I was introduced to the NeXT Computer and it was such an awakening for me, that I wrote Developing NeXTSTEP Applications. The thrill I felt to develop for this computer had to be shared with others. It was, what I thought at the time would be my one and only title. I still have two TurboStations that are fully functional and will be fired up once in a while just for fun.

In 2007 I started to wind down a 30+ year software development career, and focus my full attention to my recording studio doing audio and video production. I was already to put developing behind me, when Apple opened up the iPhone to developers. I once again am able to work with the tools that made NeXTSTEP so great, and with hardware that is absolutely amazing. Once again I wanted to share my experience with you the reader with this platform.

Thank you again,