Born and schooled in the South East of England, UK, David spent some years in the North East as a young adult before settling back in Essex. He admits to being an unashamed geek and has held many jobs in the IT world, mainly working for the NHS (National Health Service) as a programme and project manager. Writing is a passion that has gripped him for many years, and The Oui Trip is his second novel. He is already working on the sequel to The Oui Trip - there's more to be said about Bob and Joan Younghusband, and he will say it. A proud Dad and Granddad, David is a family man through and through and enjoys nothing more than spending time with the kids. He is also a proud and loyal supporter of his local football team, Southend United, which still gets him ribbed by his friends. When he isn't writing or working, David is a keen musician, and plays the guitar, bass, mandolin, sitar and bodhran. David O'Neill and a long time friend, Chris Berry, created Berry O'Neill Publishing, a joint publishing effort that has a few planned collaborations in the offing, the fruits of that labour exciting and fresh. Tune into their website for more information: