17 books
The marble Prophecy and other Poems
Plain Talks on Familiar Subjects
[Works] Volume 9
Christ and the Twelve, or Scenes and Events in the Life of Our Saviour and His Apostles, as Painted by the Poets
Gold-Foil Hammered from Popular Proverbs
Illustrated Library of Favorite Song. Based Upon Folk-Songs, and Comprising Songs of the Heart, Songs of Home, Songs of Life, and Songs of Nature. With An introduction, and Ed. by J. G. Holland. Illustrated With One Hundred and Twenty-Five Engravings, Afte
Sevenoaks, a Story of Today, by J. G. Holland. with Twelve Full-Page Illustrations After Original Designs by Sol. Eytinge.
Chirst and the Twelve; Or, Scenes and Events in the Life of Our Saviour and His Apostles, as Painted by the Poets. Ed. by J. G. Holland.
Garnered Sheaves
Life of Abraham Lincoln, by J. G. Holland.
Titcomb's Letters to Young People, Single and Married. [By] Timothy Titcomb, Esquire [Pseud.]
Plain Talks on Familiar Subjects. a Series of Popular Lectures. by J. G. Holland.
Every-Day Topics; A Book of Briefs, by J. G. Holland.
The Bay-Path; A Tale of New England Colonial Life. by J. G. Holland.
Gold-Foil, Hammered from Popular Proverbs. by Timothy Titcomb [Pseud.]
Bitter-Sweet; A Poem. by J. G. Holland.
Lesson's in Life a Series of Familiar Essays. by Timothy Titcomb [Pseud.]