Ulrich Müller
Ulrich Müller is a professor of life-span development in the Dept. of Psychology at the University of Victoria. He currently serves as Dept. Chair. Dr. Müller’s research focuses on the development of self-regulation, the contribution of self-regulation to psychological adjustment and academic achievement, and the impact of parent-child interaction on the development of self-regulation. Dr. Müller was awarded the Early Scientific Achievement Award from the Society of Research in Child Development in 2005. He has published widely in journals such as Child Development, Developmental Psychology, and Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. He is co-editor of 7 several books, including the Cambridge Companion to Piaget (2009), Self-Regulation and Autonomy (2013), Social Life and Social Knowledge (2008), and the prestigious Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Sciences, Vol. 2: Cognitive processes (7th edition, 2015). ?