11 books
The Life of Adam Clarke, Author of a Commentary on the Old and New (Classic Reprint)
The Transfiguration
Christian Theology... - Primary Source Edition
The Wesley Banner and Revival Record [Afterw.] the Wesley Banner [Afterw.] the Wesley Banner and Christian Family Visitor [Ed. by S. Dunn]
Hymns for Pastors and People [Ed. by E. Dunn].
The Biography, Geography, and Miscellaneous Subjects of the Gospels, and Other Biblical Information
Memoirs of the Seventy-Five Eminent Divines; Whose Discourses Form the Morning Exercises at Cripplegate, St. Giles in the Fields, and in Southwark Wit
The Life of Adam Clarke
The Life of Adam Clarke, LL.D.; Author of a Commentary on the Old and New Testaments, Etc
Christian Theology...
A Great Commission Movement