Jan Magnus is Professor of Econometrics, CentER and Department of Econometrics and Operations Research, Tilburg University, The Netherlands. He has also taught at the University of Amsterdam, The University of British Columbia, The London School of Economics, The University of Montreal, and The European University Institute among other places. His books include Matrix Differential Calculus (with H. Neudecker), Linear Structures, Methodology and Tacit Knowledge (with M. S. Morgan), and Econometrics: A First Course (in Russian with P. K. Katyshev and A. A. Peresetsky). Professor Magnus has written numerous articles in the leading journals, including Econometrica, The Annals of Statistics, The Journal of the American Statistical Association, Journal of Econometrics, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, and The Review of Income and Wealth. He is a Fellow of the Journal of Econometrics, holder of the Econometric Theory Award, and associate editor of The Journal of Economic Methodology, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, and the Journal of Multivariate Analysis.