7 books
Vindiciae Contra Tyrannos
Vindicae Contra Tyrannos; Ueber Die Gesetzliche Macht Des Fursten Uber Das Volk Und Des Volkes Uber Den Fursten
de Furoribus Gallicis, Horrend; Indigna Amirallij Castillionei, Nobilium Atque Illustrium Virorum Caede, Scelerata AC Inaudita Piorum Strage Passim Edita Per Complures Galliae Ciuitates (1573)
de Furoribus Gallicis, Horrenda; Indigna Amirallij Castillionei, Nobilium Atque Illustrium Virorum Caede, Scelerata AC Inaudita Piorum Strage Passim Edita Per Complures Galliae Ciuitates (1573)
A True and Plaine Report of the Furious Outrages of Fraunce & the Horrible and Shameful Slaughter of Chastillion the Admirall, and Diuers Other Noble and Excellent Men. by Ernest Varamund of Freseland. (1573)
Huberti Langueti, Galli, Epistol] Ad Philippum Sydneium, Equitem Anglum. Accurante D. Dalrymple, de Hailes, Eq.