Gavin Jones was born in Birmingham in the late seventies. He has been making up stories since his early teens, playing them out in his head to pass the time, while delivering newspapers (to, in his words, the lazy folk of Oldbury). Influenced in his early years by his father's own over-active imagination, Gavin developed a love for pretending to be someone or somewhere else. He now lives in Kidderminster, Worcestershire, the setting for Three Bullets, with his wife and best friend, Donna. He has three daughters: Katie, a budding writer, Keira, a natural comedian and Lydia, a professional insomniac. Three Bullets is Gavin's debut novel, and he is currently working on the second Patrick Rhodes novel, False Hope, a project he is very excited about. For more information and to keep up to date with what Gavin Jones is up to, you can follow him on Twitter @GavinJohnJones or like him on Facebook (Gavin Jones).