28 books
Christ's Counsell for Ending Law Cases
A Synopsis of Councels (Classic Reprint)
The Doctrine of Prayer (Classic Reprint)
The Doctrine Of The Sabbath 2nd Edition
Histoire Des Juifs Et Des Peuples Voisins Depuis La Decadence Des Royaumes D'Israel Et de Juda Jusqu'a La Mort de Jesus-Christ, Volume 5 - Primary Source Edition
Histoire Des Juifs Et Des Peuples Voisins Depuis La Decadence Des Royaumes D'Israel Et de Juda Jusqu'a La Mort de Jesus-Christ, Volume 4 - Primary Sou
A synopsis of councels
An Easy and Compendious Introdvction for Reading All Sorts of Histories Contrived in a More Facile Way Then Here to Fore Hath Been Published Out of the Papers of Mathias Prideaux ... (1655)
Fasciculus Controversiarvm Theologicarvm Ad Juniorum Aut Occupatorum Captum Sic Colligatus, UT in Praecipuis Fidei Apicibus Compendios Informentur Aut Sparsim Ali?'s Lecta Vel Audita Facili?'s Recolant & Expendant / Per Joannem Prideaux ... (1649)
The Doctrine of the Sabbath Delivered in the ACT at Oxon. Anno, 1622 / By Dr. Prideaux ...; And Now Translated Into English for the Benefit of the Common People. (1634)
Ephesus Backsliding Considered and Applyed to These Times, in a Sermon Preached at Oxford, in St Maries, the Tenth of Iuly, Being the ACT Sunday. 1614. by Iohn Prideaux, Doctor of Divinity, and Rector of Exceter College (1614)
Viginti-Duae Lectiones de Totidem Religionis Captibvs, Praecipve Hoc Tempore Controversis, Prout Publice Habebantur Oxoniae in Vesperiis Quibus Accesserunt (1648)
Hypomnemata Logica, Rhetorica, Physica, Metaphysica, Pneumatica, Ethica, Politica, Oeconomica / Per Jo. P. (1650)
Fasciculus Controversiarum Theologicarum Ad Juniorum Aut Occupatorum Captum Sic Colligatus, UT in Praecipuis Fidei Apicibus Compendiose Informentur
An Easy and Compendious Inrtoduction [Sic] for Reading All Sorts of Histories Contrived in a More Facile Way Then Heretofore Hath Been Published / Out of the Papers of Mathias Prideaux. (1682)
Conciliorum Synopsis. Per Johannem Prideaux, Haud Ita Pridem Apud Oxonienses S.T. Professorem Regium, & Postea Episcopum Wigorniensem (1661)
An Easy and Compendious Introdvction for Reading All Sorts of Histories Contrived in a More Facile Way Than Heretofore Hath Been Published Out of the Papers of Mathias Prideaux. (1654)
An Easy and Compendious Introduction for Reading All Sorts of Histories Contrived in a More Facile Way Than Heretofore Hath Been Published / Out of the Papers of Mathias Prideaux. (1672)
A Synopsis of Councels. by John Prideaux, Late Regius Professour of Divinity at Oxford, and Bishop of Worcester (1661)
A Synopsis of Councels. by John Prideaux Late Regius Professour of Divinity at Oxford, and Bishop of Worcester (1671)
Fasciculus, Controversiarvm Theologicarvm, Ad Juniorum Aut Occupatorum Captum Sic Colligatus, UT in Praecipuis Fidei Apicibus Compendiose Informentur, Aut Sparsim Alias Lecta Vel Audita (1649)
Manuductio as Theologiam Polemicam A R. Patre, Et Doctissimo Praesule Johanne Prideaux, Haud Ita Pridem Professore Regio Acad. Oxon
Lectiones Novem de Totidem Religionis Capitibus Praecipue Hoc Tempore Controversis Prout Publice Habebantur Oxoniae in Vesperijs. Per Iohannem Prideaux Exoniensis Collegii Rectorem, & S. Th. Professorem Regium. (1625)
A Sermon Preached on the Fifth of October 1624