Frederick H. deB. Harris (Rick) is Professor of Economics and Finance at the Schools of Business, Wake Forest University. Dr. Harris holds a Ph.D. from the University of Virginia and a Dartmouth College A.B. in Economics. His specialties are pricing tactics and capacity planning in product markets as well as price discovery in financial markets and security market design. He has taught managerial economics required courses in the M.A. in Management and M.B.A. programs and elective B.A., B.S., M.S., M.B.A., and Ph.D. courses at Wake Forest, the University of Texas, and William and Mary, as well as several universities in France, Italy, Germany, and Australia.
Dr. Harris has earned two school-wide Educator of the Year awards and two Researcher of the Year awards. Other recognitions include Outstanding Faculty (Inc., 1998 and 2001), Outstanding Faculty (Business Week’s Guide to the Best Business Schools, 1997-2004), Board of Associate Editors (Journal of Industrial Economics, 1988-2003), and the Runner-up Prize (European Corporate Governance Institute, 2007). His numerous publications have appeared in leading journals in economics, finance, and operations, such as the Review of Economics and Statistics, The Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Financial Markets, The Journal of Operations Management, and The Journal of Business Ethics. He also writes with practitioners in the Journal of Trading from Institutional Investor Inc. and in the Inform’s Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management.