Bobby Britnell's first full-time job was working for Lord St John Roper, a theatrical costumiers in the West End of London, where she made elaborate costumes for both television and theatre. She later worked for Sir Bernard Weatherall, a high class tailors, where she learnt the skills of tailoring. In 1972, Bobby decided to train to be a teacher and, after qualifying, she spent 12 years teaching in a large comprehensive school. Whilst teaching, Bobby studied Embroidery, and in 1986 she moved to rural South Shropshire, UK with her husband, two sons and an endless collection of different animals.

Bobby is now a professional textile artist and tutor both in the UK and abroad, and she has her own studio and runs classes in art, design and stitched textiles, which is attended by students from all over the world. She is a member of the Embroiderers' Guild and of the Textile Study Group, and her work is exhibited and held in private collections worldwide. Visit her website