9 books • 7 series
That's Why We're Here
What a Job! (on the Job) (On the Job)
Phil and Lil Go to the Doctor (Rugrats (Simon & Schuster Library)) (Rugrats 8 x 8 paperback, #16)
Take a Bow, Babies! (Rugrats: Ready-To-Read (Paperback), #10) (Rugrats: Ready-To-Read (Library), #10)
Surprise, Angelica! (Rugrats: Ready-To-Read (Library), #9) (Ready-to-Read)
Camp out (Rugrats: Ready-To-Read (Library), #6) (Ready-to-Read)
A Visit to the Sesame Street Aquarium
Steve Wozniak (Achievers)
Hypercard 2.5 Quickstart