Simon St. Laurent is a web developer, network administrator, computer book author, and XML troublemaker living in Ithaca, NY. His books include XML: A Primer, XML Elements of Style, Building XML Applications, Cookies, and Sharing Bandwidth. He is a contributing editor to and an occasional contributor to J. David Eisenberg is a programmer and instructor living in San Jose, California. David has a talent for teaching and explaining. He has developed courses for CSS, JavaScript, CGI, and beginning XML. He also teaches C and Perl at De Anza Community College in Cupertino. David has written articles for and on topics such as Javascript and the Document Object Model, XML validation, XSL Transformations and Formatting Objects, and (surprise) SVG. His on-line courses provide introductory tutorials for Korean, Modern Greek, and Russian. David has also been developing education software since 1975, when he worked with the Modern Foreign Language project at the University of Illinois to develop computer-assisted instruction on the PLATO system. He co-authored several of the in-box tutorials shipped with the venerable Apple II computer. David did the programming for the multimedia CD-ROM version of a series of children's stories, and the programming for beginning Algebra and Spanish discs. When not programming, David enjoys digital photography, reading science fiction, and riding his bicycle.