14 books
An Apology Made by George Joy, to Satisfy, If It May Be, W. Tindale. 1535
An Apology Made by George Joy Volume 13; To Satisfy, If It May Be, W. Tindale, 1535
An Apology Made by George Joy, to Satisfy, If It May Be, W. Tindale [In Reply to His Condemnation of Joye's Edition of Tyndale's New Testament] Ed. by E. Arber
An Apolgye Made by George Ioye to Satisfye (If It Maye Be) W. Tindale to Pourge & Defende Himself Ageinst Many Sclaunderouse Lyes Fayned Vpon Him in Tindals Vncharitable and (1535)
A Primer in Englysshe with Dyuers Prayers & Godly Meditations. the Contentes. ... Cum Priuilegio Regali. (1535)
The Rekening and Declaracio[n] of the Faith and Beleif of Huldrik Zwingly Bisshoppe of Ziiryk the Cheif Town of Heluetia, Sent to Charles .V. That Nowe Is Emprowr of Rome. (1543)
A Prymer in Englyshe with Certeyn Prayers [Et] Godly Meditations, Very Necessary for All People That Vnderstonde Not the Latyne Tongue. Cum Priuilegio Regali. (1534)
A Frutefull Treatis of Baptyme [Sic] and the Lordis Souper of the VSE and Effect of Them, of the Worthey and Vnworthy Receyuers of the Souper, Necessary to Be Knowne of All Christen Men, Which Yerely Receyue the Sacrament. (1541)
A Compendyouse Somme of the Very Christen Relygyon Gathered Faythfully Out of Holy Scripture
The Vnitie and Scisme of the Olde Chirche (1543)
The Rekening and Declaracio[n] of the Faith and Beleif of Huldrik Zwingly Bisshoppe of Ziiryk the Cheif Town of Heluetia, Sent to Charles .V. That Nowe Is Emprowr of Rome. (1548)
A Very Godly Defense, Full of Lerning, Defending the Mariage of Preistes, Gathered by Philip Melanchton, [And] Sent Vnto the Kyng of Englond, Henry the Aight, Tra[n]slated Out of Latyne Into Englisshe, by Lewes Beuchame. (1541)
An Apology Made by George Joy
An Apology Made by George Joy, to Satisfy If It May Be W. Tindale, 1535. Edited by Edward Arber