Linda Lysakowski, ACFRE is one of approximately one hundred professionals worldwide to hold the Advanced Certified Fundraising Executive designation. Linda is the author of ten nonfiction books, a contributing author, coeditor, or coauthor of eighteen others. She has also written five books in the spiritual and fiction realms. Linda has more than thirty years in the development field. She worked for a university and a museum before starting her consulting firm. In her twenty-five years as a philanthropic consultant, Linda has managed capital campaigns that have raised more than $50 million. She has helped hundreds of nonprofit organizations achieve their development goals. Linda has trained more than forty thousand development professionals in most of the fifty states of the United States as well as Canada, Mexico, Egypt, and Bermuda. Linda has served on the Association of Fundraising Philanthropy (AFP) Foundation for Philanthropy Board and the Professional Advancement Division for AFP. She is a past president of the Eastern Pennsylvania and Sierra (Nevada) AFP chapters. She received the Outstanding Fundraiser of the Year award from the Eastern Pennsylvania, Las Vegas, and Sierra (Nevada) chapters of AFP, was honored with the Barbara Marion Award for Outstanding Service to AFP and received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Las Vegas AFP chapter. Linda is a graduate of Alvernia University with majors in banking and finance as well as theology/philosophy, and a minor in communications. As a graduate of AFP's Faculty Training Academy, she is a Master Teacher.