26 books • 2 series
Aischinou Ho Kata Ktesiphontos Kai Demosthenous Ho Peri Stephanou Logos. Interpretationem Recudit Et Notas Partim Variorum Partim Suas Adjecit Josephus Stock, ... of 2; Volume 1
Aeschines Against Ctesiphon; (On the Crown)
The Oration of Aeschines Against Ctesiphon
The Orations of Demosthenes and Aeschines on the Crown, with Intr. Essays and Notes by G.A. and W.H. Simcox
In Ctesiphonta
Reden; Griechisch Und Deutsch (1-3 )
Aeschines Des Socratikers Philosophische Gesprache...
Speeches of a Schines Against Ctesiphon and Demosthenes on the Crown, Tr. by H. Owgan
Two Orations on the Crown; Aeschines and Demosthenes
All the Orations of Demosthenes, Pronounced to Excite the Athenians Against Philip King of Macedon, Tr., with Notes by T. Leland. (the Orations of Dem
Harangues D'Echine Et de Demosthene Sur La Couronne
Rede Gegen Ktesiphon
The Speeches of Aeschines
Aischinou Ho Kata Ktesiphontos Kai Demosthenous Ho Peri Stephanou Logos. Interpretationem Recudit Et Notas Partim Variorum Partim Suas Adjecit Josephus Stock, ... Volume 1 of 2
Aeschines in Ctesiphonta
Aischinou Ho Kata Ktsiphntos, Kai Dmosthenous Ho Peri Stephanou Logos, Cum Delectu Annotationum
Aeschinis Orationes E Codicibus Partim Nunc Primum Excussis Ed
In Ctesiphontem Oratio
The Orations of Aeschines and Demosthenes on the Crown the Orations of Aeschines and Demosthenes on the Crown
The Oration of Aeschines Against Ctesiphon; With Notes
The Orations of Aeschines Against Ctesiphon, and Demosthenes de Corona
Aeschines' Rede Gegen Ktesiphon
Aeschinis Oratoris Opera
Against Timarchos. Clarendon Ancient History Series