48 books • 3 series
Bee Truthful (Rubee's Happy Hive, #3)
Crochet for Animal Lovers
Forced Induction (The John Tyler Action Thrillers, #5)
Electricity: Principles and Applications ISE
Anthropology and the Classics; Six Lectures Delivered Before the University of Oxford
The Belittle Ones
Why Motivating People Doesn't Work...and What Does: The New Science of Leading, Energizing, and Engaging
Teaching on-Line:Internet Research, Conversation & Composition
Infrared Detectors & Instrumentation For Astrono
MyLab Composition 2.0 CourseCompass with Pearson eText -- Standalone Access Card
UML 2.0 (French)
Eng Mech S&d & Onekey Cc
Eng Mech S&d& 1key Blkbd
Eng Mec&Stats&s/Pk&Sta
Eng Mech Dyn& 1key Cc Pk
Eng Mech Dyn& 1key Blkbd
Little Brown Handbook & Complete Solutions
"Applying Uml and Patterns:an Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and the Unified Process with Uml Distilled:a Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language
Engrg Mech Statcs&Dynam & Proc
The Country House Poem
Engineering Mechanics
Lit Brwn Hbk&CD&Res Onln
Little, Brown Workbook