20 books
The Boys Series Omnibus (1-3)
Sweet Boys Love Christmas
Until Then
Finding Olivia
Eleven Eleven
Rae of Sunshine
When Constellations Form
When Stars Collide
Dark Hearts
Beauty in the Ashes
Prep U for NCLEX Stand Alnoe 12-Month Access
Follett #359 Lone Star College @ North Harris: Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing, North American Edition (Two-Volume), Handbook of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests, Interactive Case Studies for Textbook of Medical-Surgical NU
Lippincott's Clinical Simulations: Medical-Surgical/ Critical Care Nursing: Student Textbook Course Set
Brunner/ Suddarth Textbk of Medical-Surgical Nursng + Study Guide + Lynn, Taylor's Clinical Nursng Skills + Lynn Checklists Pkg
Smeltzer 12e 2 Vols + Interactive Case Studies Pkg + Taylor, Fundamentals of Nursing + Handbook of Nursing Diagnosis + Taylor's Video Guide to Clinica
Brunner and Suddarth's 12e 2 Vol Textbook Medical-Surgical Nursing + Simadviser Access Code, Pkg
Smeltzer 12e 2 Vols + Clinical Simulation
Mgrl Comm/Irwin Bus Comm Hdbk Pkg
Mgrl Comm Im/TB
Sm Managerial Communictn Tc/Ml