9 books
Nouvelle Introduction À La Géographie Moderne, En Deux Parties
Description Abregee Des Possessions Angloises Et Francoises Du Continent Septentrional de l'Amerique, Pour Servir d'Explication A La Carte Publiee Sous Ce Meme Titre... Troisieme Edition.
A concise description of the English and French possessions in North-America
A Short Treatise Upon Arts and Sciences, in French and English, by Question and Answer
Nouvelle Introduction La G Ographie Moderne, En Deux Parties
A Short Treatise Upon Arts and Sciences, in French and English, by Question and Answer. the Seven Editino [sic]. Enlarged with an Infinite Number of Things Both Curious, and Instructive. ... by John Palairet,
A Concise Description of the English and French Possessions in North-America, for the Better Explaining of the Map Published with That Title
Description Abrge Des Possessions Angloises Et Franoises Du Continent Septentrional de L'Amrique, Pour Servir D'Explication La Carte Publie Sous Ce Mme Titre... Troisime Edition.
A Short Treatise Upon Arts and Sciences, in French and English, by Question and Answer. the Eight Edition. ... Revised and Carefully Corrected by Mr. Du Mitand. ... by John Palairet, ...