Stephanie Feagan has been a practicing CPA for a number of years, and lives in the dry, barren area of west Texas where oil is king, and the people who look for it are a breed unto themselves. When she got the idea to write Show Her the Money, she wanted to capture the essence of west Texas and the oil business, and take the stereotype of CPAs and turn it on its head. In spite of the stereotype, Stephanie swears that CPAs aren't dry and dull, with a fresh supply of No. 2 pencils, a calculator always at the ready and the Internal Revenue Code memorized. Well, not all of them, anyway. Out there in No Man's Land, Stephanie is married to an oilman, is the mother of two daughters and has a spoiled kitty named Louie, along with several fish, a turtle in the backyard and a horned toad she calls Spike who hides in the flower bed. Stephanie would love to hear from you! Drop her a line at