25 books
Ajay Gupta is a serial entrepreneur who has spent over three decades growing businesses in education, healthcare, edtech, FMCG/retail and multimedia.
Theorie der Beschränkungen
Théorie des contraintes
Teoria dei vincoli
Teoria das Restrições
Unlock the Magic
Decoding Business Minds
Hashtag Shayari 2 / हैशटैग शायरी
Guide to Spark Partitioning
Sosiaalisen Darwinismin Mukaisuudet
Meddwl AR Darwinism Cymdeithasol
Gizartearen Darwinismoaren Inguruan
Pensamento Sobre O Darwinismo Social
Reflexions Sur Le Darwinisme Social
Pensieri Sul Darwinismo Sociale
Want to Know God
Inventory Management using FSN Analysis and Demand Forecasting
God Speaks in Bhagavad Gita
Word of God Bhagavad Gita
What is the role of government in creating anentrepreneurial environment?
Smile Designing
Simulation and Detection of Self-Propagating Worms and Viruses
Successful Promotions Build Successful Brands
Defend I.T.