10 books
Bulletin No; 11, Vol. 11
Petrography of the Newark Igneous Rocks of New Jersey - Scholar's Choice Edition
A Manual of Determinative Mineralogy; With Tables for the Determination of Minerals by Means of
Corundum and the Basic Magnesian Rocks of Western North Carolina
The Geology of New Jersey; A Summary to Accompany the Geologic Map (1910-1912) on the Scale of 1250,000, or Approximately 4 Miles to 1 Inch
The Geology of New Jersey
Determinative Minerarology, with Tables for the Determination of Minerals by Means of Their Chemical and Physical Characters
Determinative mineralogy
Determinative Mineralogy With Tables For The Determination Of Minerals By Means Of Their Chemical And Physical Characters
Petrography of the Newark Igneous Rocks of New Jersey