Shaune Lafferty Webb was born in Brisbane, Australia. Her father was an amateur astronomer and her eldest brother, an avid science fiction reader, so perhaps it was inevitable that she developed an early enthusiasm for writing speculative fiction. After obtaining a degree in geology from the University of Queensland, Shaune subsequently worked in geochemical laboratories, exploration companies, and, while living in the United States, at a multinational scientific institute involved in exploration beneath the ocean floors. Her short stories have appeared in AntipodeanSF, The Nautilus En-gine, Blue Crow Magazine, and The Vandal and her novels, 'Bus Stop on a Strange Loop' and 'Balanced in An Angel's Eye', were released in 2011 and 2012, respectively. 'Cold Faith' and its sequel, 'Faithless', are the first and the second books in The Safe Harbour Chronicle, a series released by Hague Publishing. Shaune lives in Brisbane with her husband, a research scientist, and a pair of wayward canine companions.