Donna Hilbert's earlier books include The Congress of Luminous Bodies, from Aortic Books, The Green Season, poems, stories and essays, from World Parade Books, Mansions and Deep Red, from Event Horizon, and Transforming Matter and Traveler in Paradise from PEARL Editions. She has poems online at A Year of Being Here, Little Eagle's RE/VERSE, Zocalo Public Square, Your Daily Poem, Serving House Journal and monthly, as a contributing writer, at Verse- Virtual. Her work is widely anthologized, most recently in Poetry of Presence, Grayson Books. She has led workshops for both beginners and professional writers in venues as varied as a men's prison, an English public school, and literary programs including Aldeburgh Poetry and Ilkley Literature Festivals in the UK, and PEN Center USA West's Emerging Voices Rosenthal Fellows. She writes and leads private workshops in Long Beach, California, where she makes her home.