Paul Guerin is an Irishman. He was born in September 1946 in Castletownroche, a small townland village in County Cork, Eire.It was there in Castletownroche that his romanticimagination was sparked as he came to love and appreciate the magic of his surroundings. Those early experiences were the genesis of his poetry that emerged in later life.As a young adult, Paul lived in London, England, where he became a chartered accountant.At age 25, restless for adventure, Paul moved to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, where he still resides today.Paul is happily married and is a proud father and grandfather.Paul writes poetry as the inspiration comes to him. As long as his mind, body and soul are willing companions and his spark of inspiration remains alive, he will continue to write.This book is Paul's second publication in his Willing Heart series. His first book was published in the Spring of 2022 and is called Poetry from My Heart: A Journey through Feelings.