Alexis (Lexie) is an award-winning writer with a day job for the last twenty years serving her community and its everyday heroes. She collects fountain pens, perfume bottles, rescue animals, and dirty curse words in as many languages as she can. Her list of hobbies is longer than her arms and legs combined including knitting, crocheting, painting, graphic design, and learning to play the piano. Her desire to see the whole country is almost complete (seven states left) and as much of the world as she can (7 countries down, 188 to go!). In addition to 'writer', her life has many roles including wife, dog mom, fun aunt, and ghost hunter. Lexie's goal is to cram as much living into one life as possible and write about it along the way.Recipient of the 2020 Golden Quill Award for Paranormal by Desert Rose RWA, 2021 International Digital Award for Paranormal Romance from OKC RWA, and the 2021 Daphne du Maurier Award for Mystery and Suspense for Paranormal Romance.