With the exception of three years spent in the middle of Nebraska, H. B. Heinzer has called southern Wisconsin home. Her first “official” writing was as a teenage guest contributor to an APAzine her father contributed to. In spite of her tender years, the other adult members voted her in.

Life intervened for a while, and writing fell by the wayside, but after her first daughter was born, she started a blog, More Than Moms, as a way to vent about her struggle to hold onto her own identity in the midst of motherhood. After that, not even the loss of her first attempt at a full-length novel, which occurred when her hard drive failed, could stop her from her dreams of becoming a writer.

Now, H. B. lives in the middle of nowhere but still close enough to a city to not feel isolated. It's the perfect place to let her two kids run and explore their huge yard, teach them about the food chain as they create a garden, and debate building a chicken coop.