29 books • 2 series
Legally Hilarious
Beneath The Blue Ridge Murders
Product of a Misspent Youth
Speech Bubbles 2 (Picture Books and Guide)
Vinnie the Dove (Speech Bubbles 2)
Asher the Thresher Shark (Speech Bubbles 2)
Catch That Chicken! (Speech Bubbles 2)
Have You Ever Met a Yeti? (Speech Bubbles 2)
Harry the Hopper (Speech Bubbles 2)
Platypus and Fly (Speech Bubbles 2)
Magic Licking Lollipops (Speech Bubbles 2)
Jasper the Badger (Speech Bubbles 2)
Rick's Carrot (Speech Bubbles 2)
Speech Bubbles 2 User Guide (Speech Bubbles 2)
Will the Wolf (Speech Bubbles 2)
Zack the Buzzy Bee (Speech Bubbles 2)
The Dragon Drawing War (Speech Bubbles 2)
Don't Feed the Dog!
Speech Bubbles 1 (Picture Books and Guide) (Speech Bubbles 1)
Polly's Pink Paint (Speech Bubbles 1)
Ben the Bubble Bear (Speech Bubbles 1)
IT Architect Series
Baking for Dave
A Life Less Normal