24 books • 2 series
Indian Engineering
Ballads and Lyrics of Old France
Ballads and Lyrics of Old France, with Other Poems
Aristotle's Politics, books I, III, IV, VII
Rhymes a la Mode (Classic Reprint)
Ballades Rhymes
Helen of Troy (Classic Reprint)
Theocritus, Bion and Moschus
Rhymes A La Mode
Ballades & Rhymes, from Ballades in Blue China and Rhymes La Mode
Alfred Tennyson
Letters to Dead Authors
A Batch of Golfing Papers
Rhyme A La Mode
Helen of Troy (Greek History)
Aristotle's Politics Book I. Book III. Book IV. Book VII
XXXII Ballades in Blue China
Theocritus, Bion And Moschus - Rendered Into English Prose With An Introductory Essay
Ballad & Lyrics of Old France with Other Poems
A Lang X XI I and X XXXII Ballades in Blue Chine
Organized Business Interests in Changing Environments
Converting a Nation (Studies in European Culture and History)
Hannah Arendt and International Relations
Hannah Arendt and International Relations: Readings Across the Lines