31 books • 6 series
A Brief, Interminable Peace
Ensuring General Wisdom
Running Scared (Dark Runs, #2)
Running Start (Dark Runs)
Smuggler (Spacer, Smuggler, Pirate, Spy, #2)
Spacer (Spacer, Smuggler, Pirate, Spy, #1)
The Queen's Pardon (Alexis Carew, #6)
Privateer (Alexis Carew, #5)
HMS Nightingale (Alexis Carew, #4)
The Little Ships (Alexis Carew, #3)
Mutineer (Alexis Carew, #2)
Into the Dark (Alexis Carew, #1)
Stephen Spender
Fiction and the Fiction Industry (Bloomsbury Academic Collections: English Literary Criticism)
The Literary Detective
Henry V , War Criminal?
Who Betrays Elizabeth Bennet?
Where Was Rebecca Shot?
Can Jane Eyre be Happy?
Is Heathcliff a Murderer?
Victorian Fiction
The Life of Walter Scott (Blackwell Critical Biographies)
Mrs. Humphry Ward (Oxford lives)