Jess Taylor is an early-career artist who lives and works on Kaurna land. Taylor's work explores her fascination with fictional horror through primarily digital methods of making, with a focus on concepts of the monstrous, voyeurism, and depictions of female brutality, sadism, and masochism. Taylor sees horror as a genre that interrogates and reveals our darkest cultural norms, and whose women offer powerful tales of suffering, empowerment and retribution. Graduating with honours from Adelaide Central School of Art (South Australia) in 2013, Taylor completed a Masters by Research in 2018. Taylor has exhibited nationally, holding solo exhibitions in a number of galleries including FELTspace, Seventh gallery and Hugo Michell gallery. She has been a finalist and awardee in several art prizes and was an Adelaide Contemporary Experimental studio resident in 2019. Taylor currently works out of her home studio and lecturers at Adelaide Central School of Art.
Oct 15, 2024
Cover of Julia Robinson

Julia Robinson

Jul 9, 2024
Cover of Butterfly Kisses

Butterfly Kisses

Jun 30, 2024
Cover of Play


Nov 14, 2023
Cover of Blazing Stars

Blazing Stars

Jul 11, 2023
Cover of Bleeding Hearts

Bleeding Hearts

Feb 14, 2023
Cover of Forget Me Not

Forget Me Not

Sep 4, 2019
Cover of Just Pervs

Just Pervs

Oct 1, 2015
Cover of Pauls
