10 books • 3 series
Call of the Wolf
Touched by the Wolf
Parties, Gender Quotas and Candidate Selection in France (French Politics, Society and Culture)
New Maths in Action S1/3 Pupil's Book
New Maths in Action S1/1 Pupil's Book
Group IV Elements (Landolt-Boernstein: Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology - New, 41A2a)
History of the West Indian Peoples - 2 The Story of our Islands
Impurities and Defects in Group IV Elements and III-V Compounds / Störstellen und Defekte in Elementen der IV. Gruppe und III-V-Verbindungen (Condensed Matter, 22b)
The Reorganization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Forensic Geology