In addition to seven adult mysteries, Hot Tea...Cold Case, There's Always Tomorrow, Stabbing Along the Straightaway, Chaos at the Concours, Panic in the Pits, Critical Corner and Look into the Mirror, D.G. Stern has authored the ten title, award winning "Upton Charles-Dog Detective" series for younger readers (, The Loneliest Tree, 25 Days of a Tropical Christmas, the Francis the Firehouse Mouse series, Sophie the Skunk. and the new Anna Belle series. He has also written eight award winning screenplays (one of which is in production). His taste for good wine and great food has been an inspiration in his writings and Mr. Stern is also the editor of Golf a la Carte ( featuring recipes from some of the nation's greatest golf clubs. D.G. Stern is a graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Law School. Basket weaving (no kidding) and vintage car racing fill any empty moments.