12 books
Government Owned and Controlled Compared With Privately Owned and Regulated Electric Utilities in Canada [and] the United States
The Speech and Proposition of the Right Hon. Henry Flood
A Letter to the People of Ireland, on the Expediency and Necessity of the Present Associations in Ireland
The Celebrated Speeches of Colonel Henry Flood, on the Repeal of the Declaratory Act of the 6th George Ist
Government Owned and Controlled Compared with Privately Owned and Regulated Electric Utilities in Canada & the United States - Primary Source Edition
The speech and proposition pf the Right Hon. Henry Flood
The Speech and Proposition Pf the Right Hon. Henry Flood, in the House of Commons of Great Britain, Thursday March 4th, 1790, on a Reform of the Representation in Parliament
The celebrated speeches of Colonel Henry Flood, on the repeal of the Declaratory Act of the 6th George 1st as delivered in the House of Commons of Ireland, on the 11th and 14th of June, 1782 Also, the speech of Lord Abingdon
The Speech and Proposition of the Right Hon. Henry Flood, in the House of Commons of Great Britain, Thursday, March 4th, 1790, on a Reform of the Representation in Parliament.
Speech of the Right Hon. Henry Flood, in the House of Commons, February 15, 1787. on the Commercial Treaty with France.
Speech of the Right Hon. Henry Flood, in the House of Commons of Great Britain, February 15, 1787, on the Commercial Treaty with France.
A Letter to the People of Ireland, on the Expediency and Necessity of the Present Associations in Ireland, in Favour of Our Own Manufactures. with Some Cursory Observations on the Effects of a Union.