Bill Morgan was born in Atlanta, GA and has lived in Tennessee, Indiana, New York, and (for the last 47 years) in Normal, IL. He has published two print chapbooks of poems, Trackings: The Body's Memory, the Heart's Fiction (Dead Metaphor Press, 1998) and Sky with Six Geese (Pudding House Press, 2005), one e- chapbook, Spare Parts and Whole Poems in Various Shapes and Sizes (Seventh Dream Press, 2014), as well as numbers of individual poems in journals. For a long time he could be sighted in the halls, classrooms, and offices of the English Department at Illinois State University. Under his other name, William W. Morgan, he taught Victorian Literature and wrote scholarly studies of Thomas Hardy and other poets. Now retired from teaching, he is Poetry Editor for The Hardy Review and co-produces Poetry Radio for WGLT, the NPR affiliate in Normal, Illinois ( He is most often seen by day in Southwest England, South Florida, or Central Illinois with a fly rod or binoculars in his hands, or with bicycle wheels under him. At night, washed over by Palestrina, Bach, Mozart, Schubert, Beethoven, Verdi, Puccini, or Barber, he hunches over a keyboard and tries to salvage poems from the detritus of the day.