Although regarded as one of the most recognizable New York and Atlanta faces, Style Architext MICHAEL ANDREW was born and raised in Austin, TX. With close to 10 years of experience working in every coveted facet of the fashion industry and 7 years of studying intimacy. MA has an expert perspective on the psychology of clothing, the voice and appeal it gives to the individual and how the style speaks to the masses. These experiences have left him with a uniquely keen insight into the business of fashion while understanding the nuances of individual life and style. This awareness along with his personality and certifications in body language, social dynamics, and intimacy continues to make him a sought after arbiter of life and style among fashion editors, men's magazines and street style photographers alike. His unique ability to merge classic details with contemporary social elements has garnered him the solid title of STYLE ARCHITEXT. He saw fit to write Dress For Sexcess to help men understand the importance of the effects of style on a man's attraction and appeal and the consequences when he doesn't in the hopes that men take time to think about the clothing and the partners they choose so that every interaction leads to them dressing for sexcess.