Sarah Price brings her twenty-five years of experience of living among the Amish to her books, many of which have been Amazon Top 100 Bestsellers. Her recent title First Impressions: An Amish Adaptation of Pride and Prejudice debuted in the ECPA Christian Fiction Top 25 Bestseller List a month after publication. She is the author of more than two dozen novels. Price has family roots in the same region of rural Pennsylvania where many of her stories are set; the Preiss family emigrated from Europe in 1705 and settled in the state along with the area's first wave of Mennonites. Born into a Mennonite family, Price has firsthand experience with the culture and religion of both the Mennonites and the Amish. Her grandparents first introduced her to the world of the Amish in 1978, and since then Price has visited and even lived among different Amish communities in Lancaster County.