30 books • 2 series
100 Dad Jokes
Pete the Pug (Moral, #1)
Thoughts on the Inconsistency of Religious Persecutions (Classic Reprint)
Fog Slipping Through the Forest (Enlightenment, #1)
Le Robinson francais
How To Deal With Demons and other Inspired messages
Preliminary Interpretation of Seasonal Movement of the Slumgullion Landslide as Determined from GPS Observations, July 1998-July 1999
Scenes of Wonder in Many Lands; Being Descriptions of Remarkable Rapids, Cascades, &C
Etymological Guide to the English Language; Being a Collection, Alphabetically Arranged, of the Principal Roots, Affixes, and Prefixes, with Their Der
Eight Historical Tales, Curious and Instructive; I. the Unfortunate Damascenes [&C. Signed J.W.].
A Catechism of the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion. by J.W.
Etymological Guide to the English Language
Kro tkie wiadomos ci z dziejo w Polskich ... przez J. B. W[agnera].
The Boy
The Valiant Scot; By J. W., Gent. [a Tragedy, in Five Acts and in Prose and Verse, with a Dedication by W. Bowyer.]
Tages-Chronik Des Jahres 1848.
A Letter Written by a Minister for the Satisfaction of a Person Doubting in Religion Shewn to Be Unsatisfactory. (1686)
My Vvife. (1660)
Thyestes a Tragedy, Translated Out of Seneca to Which Is Added Mock-Thyestes, in Burlesque / By F. W. Gent (1674)
Otto Tachenius His Hippocrates Chymicus Discovering the Ancient Foundation of the Late Viperine Salt
The Creed Expounded
Mary Beaver; Or, the Housemaid's Wedding. by the Late J.W.