33 books
Lays of Ancient Rome
Critical Historical and Miscellaneous Essays and Poems
Macaulay's Essay on Milton
The History of England from the Accession of James, Vol. 4 (Classic Reprint)
Macaulay on Machiavelli
Altrömische Heldenlieder ... Deutsch von H. von Pilgrim. - Scholar's Choice Edition
Dzieje Anglii, Etc. [Translated Under the Direction of Adolf Pawin Ski.]
Die Geschichte Englands
Selections from the Prose of Macaulay
Macaulay et l'histoire contemporaine. Discours prononcé à la rentrée des Facultés, le mercredi 28 novembre.
Altrömische Heldenlieder ... Deutsch von H. von Pilgrim.
Ein Macaulay-Commentar. Anmerkungen Zu Macaulay's History of England, Vol. I. Zur Einfu Hrung in Ein Grundliches Versta Ndniss ... Der Englischen Sprache, Etc.
William Penn and T. B. Macaulay; Being Brief Observations on the Charges Made in Mr. Macaulay's History of England Against the Character of W. Penn.
The History of England from the Accession of James the Second ... a New Edition, Etc.
Geschiedenis Van Engeland Sedert de Troonsbestijging Van Jacobus II. Tweede Druk. Op Nieuw Bewerkt Door Dr. J. C. Van Deventer.
The History of England from the Accession of James the Second ... Eleventh Edition.
The History of England from the Accession of James the Second ... Vol. I, Twelfth Edition.
The Reformers of the Anglican Church, and Mr. Macaulay's History of England. a PostScript.
The Case for the Crown in Re the Wigtown Martyrs Proved to Be Myths Versus Wodrow and Lord Macaulay, Patrick the Pedler and Principal Tulloch.
The Letters of Thomas Babington MacAulay: Volume 2, March 1831-December 1833
The Letters of Thomas Babington MacAulay: Volume 1, 1807-February 1831
Essay on Machiavelli (Large Print)