Kevin Noble grew was a very shy kid in a family of hardworking entrepreneurs. His father's work ethic was unparalleled and his mother's creativity from interior design to flower arranging and everything in between provided the perfect foundation for success through self-expression. Kevin was always interested in art, woodworking, organizing things and discussing business ideas with his father. On weekends his father would often bring him out to work in the family businesses. Kevin quickly learned the importance of hard work from sweeping floors to organizing tools. He transferred this discipline into woodworking and drawings, two things that require patience and stamina while simultaneously building personal confidence. Kevin would also observe his mother and help her with various projects which was like a hands-on course in creativity. These observations and experiences helped him find a love of woodworking and art as favorite mediums for expressing creativity. His mother told him to exercise creativity in everything. Ironically, even though Kevin had the perfect ingredients of confidence from his father and creativity from his mother, he still had a shyness that limited his ability for full self-expression especially through early adulthood. Fortunately, his great work ethic kicked in and he proceeded to spend the next 20 years working on himself to develop his confidence and realize his full potential. Kevin spent thousands of dollars and several decades on personal & self-development programs resulting in a passion to help others accelerate their success without having to invest the same amount of time and money. This inspiration has culminated in producing books and content to help others while exercising creative self-expression