8 books
Measures as Well as Men
The Secret Springs of the Late Changes in the Ministry Fairly Explained, by an Honest Man. in Answer to the Abuse and Misrepresentations of a Pretended Son of Candor. with an Introductory Letter to the Printer of the Public Advertiser
Measures as Well as Men, Or, the Present and Future Interests of Great Britain
A Letter to the Right Honourable William Pitt, on His Apostacy from the Cause of Parliamentary Reform
A reply to Mr. Heathcote's letter from an honest man. In which the arguments are proved to be delusive; and the facts untrue.
The Thoughts of an Honest Man, Containing the Review of the Thoughts of an Impartial Man Upon the Present Temper of the Nation; Also (But Humbly) Offered to the Consideration of the Freeholders of Great Britain.
The Honest Man's Apology to His Country for His Conduct. Humbly Submitted to the Impartial of All Sides, with His Reasons for Acting as He Did, and for His Accepting a Place from the Crown.
Measures as Well as Men, Or, the Present and Future Interests of Great Britain; With a Plan for Rendering Us a Martial, as Well as a