Peter Thabit Jones was born in Swansea, Wales. His latest book of poems, The Lizard Catchers, was published by New York publisher Cross-Cultural Communications in 2006. His poem Kilvey Hill has been incorporated into a permanent stained-glass window by the leading Welsh artist Catrin Jones in the new Saint Thomas Community School built in Swansea and opened in July 2007. He toured America, with Aeronwy Thomas, Dylan Thomas's daughter, for six weeks in March 2008, giving readings and workshops from New York to California. Jones has tutored drama, children's literature and adult literature for the Adult Education Department at Swansea University, Wales, for fifteen years. He is the founder and editor of The Seventh Quarry, a poetry magazine published in Swansea, Wales, with an international perspective. It was awarded Second Best Small Press Magazine Award 2006 by the Annual Purple Patch UK Awards.