• Country: Canada
DAVID A. ROBERTSON is the author of numerous books for young readers including the two Governor General Literary Award—winning picture books On the Trapline and When We Were Alone, both illustrated by Julie Flett. The first two books in David's bestselling middle grade fantasy series, The Misewa Saga, have received great acclaim and award attention. A sought-after speaker and educator, David is a member of Norway House Cree Nation and lives in Winnipeg, Manitoba. For more information, visit his website, www.darobertson.ca, and follow him on Twitter @DaveAlexRoberts.

MAYA McKIBBIN is a Two-Spirited Ojibwe, Yoeme and Irish filmmaker, illustrator and storyteller. Using their education in computer graphics and interactive media, Maya's work is rooted in the natural world and our relations to it. Maya's previous picture book, Swift Fox All Along written by Rebecca Thomas, was nominated for numerous awards including a Governor General's Literary Award.