17 books • 8 series
Social Work Practice During Times of Disaster
Social Work in a Globalizing World
Introducing Social Work (Short Introductions)
Revitalising Communities in a Globalising World (Contemporary Social Work Studies)
Women and Community Action (BASW/Policy Press titles)
Social Work in Europe (I.A.S.S.W.)
Social Work
Feminist Social Work Theory and Practice
Anti Oppressive Social Work Theory and Practice
Beyond Racial Divides (Contemporary Social Work Studies)
Sociology for Social Work
Anti-Racist Probation Practice
Sociology of Social Work
Women Across Continents
Feminist Social Work (Critical Texts in Social Work and the Welfare State)
Anti-Racist Social Work (Practical Social Work) (British Association of Social Workers (BASW) Practical Social Work) (British Association of Social Workers (BASW) Practical Social Work S.)