16 books • 8 series
Phil's Errand
Bill Clinton/42nd President (Gateway Biographies (Paperback))
Tecumseh (Indian Leaders)(Oop) (North American Indians of Achievement)
A. Philip Randolph (PB) (Gateway Civil Rights)
A. Philip Randolph (Gateway Civil Rights)
Bill Clinton (Gateway Biographies (Pb)) (Gateway Biographies (Hardcover))
Stokely Carmichael (Gateway Civil Rights)
Stokely Carmichael (PB) (Gateway Civil Rights)
Bill Clinton (PB)
House Rules
Malcolm X (PB) (Gateway Civil Rights)
Malcolm X and Black Pride (Gateway Civil Rights)
Sequoyah and the Cherokee Alphabet (Alvin Josephy's Biography Series of American Indians)
King Philip and the War with the Colonists (Alvin Josephy's Biography Series of American Indians)
Pearl S. Buck, China's Witness (Classic Authors)
Albert Einstein and the Theory of Relativity (Solutions)