Dr. Gerard M. Verschuuren is a human geneticist who also received a doctorate in the philosophy of science. He studied and worked at universities in Europe and the United States. Recently, he has been teaching scientists how to use computer programs for data analysis and data storage. He has written numerous books, articles, and biology textbooks in Dutch, and he is also the author of Investigating the Life Sciences (1986, Pergamon Press, Oxford, UK), and Life Scientists - Their Convictions, Their Activities, and Their Values (1995, Genesis Publishing Company, North Andover, MA), plus From VBA to VSTO as well as Excel for Scientists (2007, Holy Macro! Books, Uniontown, OH). Since he is a former Jesuit and a practicing Catholic, he felt the calling to write about his old passion, the relationship between science and religion, evolution and creation--seen from a Catholic viewpoint.