Shan R.K is an internationally acclaimed author, known for her captivating works including Capo Dei Capi, Union of Death, and Beauty's Breath. With a passion for storytelling that started at the young age of nine, Shan has published over 20 books spanning across 8 different genres. From webnovels to dreame, Shan is a versatile writer whose works have captivated audiences worldwide.At 26, Shan made her debut with the novel House of Legions, which marked the beginning of her journey as a published author. With each book she writes, Shan strives to take her readers on a journey of discovery, exploring new worlds and characters that are as diverse as they are intriguing.When not writing, Shan leads a quiet life with her family, who she describes as 'not so fury.' Her ultimate goal is to become a best-selling author across all genres, and she continues to work tirelessly to achieve this.